The Guarantee.

I’m going to say this to you in the plainest language possible:

Most business advisers seem to have it backwards. They expect you to pay a small fortune and trust — without a shred of proof — that somehow you’ll see a return on your money in an acceptable time period. In other words, they want you to take all the risk.

Frankly, I think that’s nuts. And that's why I offer the strongest money-back guarantee of anyone in the business growth advising world.

The way I see it, when selecting someone to advise and help you grow your business, you should know with 100% certainty that you will earn your money back in spades. And your return should start to come quickly — within a few months at most — and possibly within a few weeks...

Does that sound impossible?

It is only impossible if you’d rather spend your time reading and listening to podcasts and trying to implement an effective business growth strategy for yourself, without having to use any outside advisors.

It is only impossible if you’re not willing to move quickly or are uninterested in new and innovative tactics.

It is only impossible if you’d rather come up with your own ideas (if and when you do), and you believe you already know pretty much everything that’s going to work in your company.

It is only impossible if you already have a lawyer, accountant or financial planner, or you are a member of an organization like Vistage or EO, and think you have all the solid business growth advice you need.

The outrageously important point to know about the above is IT IS ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE if you and I choose to work together. And that’s because when you hire me to help you grow your business, I’ll not only give you superior growth and profit strategies and the tactics to support them, I’ll also make sure you execute those tactics and have a team to get things done in case you need it.

The execution is essential because it is your execution of those strategies and tactics that will transform your business and bring you those increases in sales and profits.

Does this mean I’m taking a big risk making such a bold guarantee?

No… Not at all…You see, I’ve been offering the same full performance-based money back guarantee with complete confidence for over a decade. A lot has happened to the global economy since then and even in wild and rough economic times, my clients’ businesses have thrived.

Here's a short list of case studies with some of the things I’ve helped client's achieve.

Here’s exactly how I’m going to help you attain your business goals quickly.

Together we’re going to take a deep dive into your business and identify the key points of leverage.

We’ll look at your product and service mix, your pricing models, your lead generation systems, your selling systems, database marketing opportunities, your customer monetization strategies, joint venture and strategic alliance opportunities, your finances and available capital for expansion, merger and acquisition opportunities, new business spin-offs, vertical integration opportunities, and other leverage points we can use to scale and grow your business.

Then I'm going to apply my 5-Step "No-Strategy Strategy" guaranteed growth model with which I've helped several dozen business owners ramp up revenues, profits and life satisfaction!

Here's Your Next Step...

If you want real results rather than just promises — and you’re willing to commit to working together for 12-months to achieve this, then we should talk. As you’ve already seen, you’ll get powerful tactics you can use right now to create a substantial flow of new sales.

Next we’ll dig deeper and identify every opportunity available to you for growing your business to the next level and develop a comprehensive, easy to implement game plan.

I guarantee you will be fully satisfied with the results.

If you aren’t, I’ll continue to work with you at no charge until you are satisfied, or at my option, I’ll refund your money.

This means you shoulder no risk whatsoever and you win in either case.

Now to be frank, there’s only a small chance we’ll end up working together. I might not be right for you, and you might not be right for me. However, if the chemistry is right, the sky is the limit. If not, we will part ways. If you do begin with me, my team and I will immediately start digging deep into your business and learn everything we can about your organization.

If you think this sounds interesting and could earn you a whole ton of extra profit, contact me for a confidential discussion.

Strategic Business & Marketing Advisor